In 2014, Wilma began working with FEDICE in the social area and recovering the spiritual sense of the communities. Her work includes training women and children from our communities on different topics such as personal hygiene, preparation of cooking recipes rescuing the nutritional value of the products of each community at a very low production cost. Wilma, was born in Quito.She has degrees in Economics at the Central University of Ecuador and in Theology of the Alianza Biblical Seminary in Quito. Since January 2018, her contract was changed to provide services due to the economic situation of the Foundation.
Lisa Renz
Though born in Oregon, U.S.A., Lisa worked and lived in Mexico as a missionary for the Churches of Christ/Christian Churches for 45 years. She is a graduate of Northwest Christian University. She applies her bilingual knowledge of both English and Spanish, as well as extensive experience in Christian education and missionary work to her roles in translating, hosting missionary groups and designing Christian education modules. Lisa came back to USA, we thank Lisa for all of your work with Fedice and we wish her many blessings in your new life.

Luis Cárdenas Villacis
Administrative Assistant
Luis was FEDICE's administrative assistant, charged with executing day-to-day logistics, assisting in public relations and maintaining institutional business relationships. Because of the economic situation, Fedice should have fired him. We wish good luck and success in his personal life of our dear “Luchito”

Mary Kathryn Ball
Our last volunteer was, Mary Kathryn Ball from Lexington, KY. She graduated from Wake Forest University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with honors. Also, she was trained in medical interpreting and has a year of experience at the Community Care Center, a free clinic in Winston Salem, NC. Mary Kathryn was also a volunteer at the Center for Leukemia and Blood Disorders in Salamanca, Spain.
At FEDICE, Kathyn was of valuable help especially for the first aid training workshops for women's groups in the communities. She must have returned to the United States to continue her medical studies. Good luck and blessings, Kathryn!

Olga Yesenia Yan Pardo
Olga loves serving people taking Christ as her living model. She is Dominican, with a title in Marketing and Social Work from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Volunteering is her passion. Since her teenage years she has identified with the most vulnerable, and she has had experience working closely with those who have had their rights violated in multiple forms. I worked for six years in “Caminante” Project, an educational non-profit organization which promotes and defends the rights of children.
"I would still plant my apple tree, even if I knew that tomorrow the world would end." ---Martin Luther.

Cara Elizabeth McKinney
Cara Elizabeth McKinney is from Ohio, United States, was a volunteer from Global Ministries. She has her university studies in Spanish and International Studies. Elizabeth (as we fondly called her) spent little time with us, visited some communities, participated in several activities with Fedice and learned about the work of our organization. She must have returned to the United States for health reasons.

Isabelle Tyrasa
Isabelle's love affair with Ecuador began in 2012 and, after a brief hiatus back to her native Germany, continues today. She speaks fluent Spanish, English, French and German. Isabelle assists FEDICE with community trainings on well-being, as well as translating for missionary groups.

Bethany Waggoner
Bethany Waggoner came from Eugene, Oregon, as a volunteer with Global Ministries. She met Fedice through the Regional Office of the Disciples of Christ in this area with which Fedice has several years of joint work.
When Bethany arrived in Spanish, she was not very fluent. Therefore, she took Spanish classes and after a year and a half of working with us, her fluency in the Spanish language was remarkable so we contributed to her after her time with Fedice she can go to support other organizations in Latin America and benefit more people with their knowledge, enthusiasm and ability.
Bethany worked mainly in the area of communications, redesigned the Fedice website, and conducted several training workshops for the Fedice team.
One of the main results of the activities of Bethany in Fedice is the production of videos and interviews with the people of the communities with which Fedice works, they are helping us to promote and publicize more about Fedice's activities.

Jenny Velasquez
Project Technician - Social Programs
FEDICE gave me the opportunity to put my knowledge into practice and share experiences with professionals from whom I learned a lot. As well as meet enterprising people and humanitarian groups that without their help it would not be possible to continue with the Legacy of Dr. Victor Vaca, a wonderful experience that will never be erased from my mind and my heart. Blessings and many more years to come.
Marilyn Cooper

Janice Younger
Marilyn Cooper comes from Austin, Texas, USA. Marilyn first came to work at FEDICE with a Missionary group from her church in Austin Texas, later she returned with her husband Glenn Hebert to stay initially for a year but now they have been living in Otavalo (two hours north of Quito) for almost 9 years.In FEDICE we have the blessing of her work, her help and experience.
Marilyn is the anchor of "FEDICE Norte" based in Otavalo. Her main activity is to teach English in the pre-school of the region, also when we have the visit of missionary groups in the area of FEDICE north, she is an excellent hostess, and right now very knowledgeable of the area and its tourist attractions. Marilyn holds a PhD in Philosophy in Physical Education Adapted by the University of Texas.
Janice Younger comes from Tyler, Texas. The first time she visited Ecuador and worked with FEDICE was in June of 2017 with a missionary group from her church.
Jan was very impressed by the activities of FEDICE and therefore decided to return to continue working in different areas such as: Support with the missionary groups that come to work with FEDICE, training for children and adults to overcome psychological traumas that they have suffered and workshops oriented to raise self-esteem, to promote self-improvement, parenting techniques , and child good behavior.
Jan holds degrees in psychology, with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work from Our Lady of the Lake University in Texas, USA.

Robert Arnold
Robert Arnold is a new volunteer for FEDICE and plans to spend 6 months in Ecuador. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Robert has known FEDICE and its activities for over 10 years. Robert first visited Ecuador with his family in 2013 and visited many of the communities that FEDICE serves. He is 23 and a recent graduate of Texas A&M University where he received a degree in Political Science. Robert is passionate about international exposure and felt called to spend time working abroad after college. He plans to assist FEDICE with education projects as well as teach English.