Roció Espinoza, / Number of members 6
Roció belongs to the group of women, is 41 years old and lives with her husband and four children.
Jofre Espinoza is 10 years old; he is in sixth year of secondary education.
Dairon Espinoza is 12 years old; he is in the seventh year of primary education.
Yamileth Espinoza is 15 years old; she is studying the first year of High School. Yamileth faints quite often and Rocio believes that maybe she has epilepsy. She has an appointment with the doctor at the end of February to find out what illness she has. (Roció says that was the reason why she delayed paying her credit, because she had to pay for medical attention)
Description of the house
The house is block with no corner columns and is deteriorated, it has a cement floor, roof made of eternity. This house has three rooms (kitchen, and two bedrooms). The roof is already deteriorated in some parts and is patched with pieces of plastic. For lack of space, the kitchen area has been divided in two for a bedroom. There is overcrowding in the home. The beds on the day of the visit were very close together.
The measurements of the house is: 6.30 m in front and 5.46 m in depth.
Rocio is trying to expand her house with two more rooms of 3.20x 4 meters. She has raised walls with block and the floor is cement but for lack of resources has not been able to put on the roof, and for now part of the roof is covered with plastic. Several arrangements would have to be made because the construction is a little crooked.
Since the main problem is overcrowding, and since the building is already deteriorated, the best recommendation is to bring down the house and make a new home of 56 m² that is larger than the current home or just to change the roof, which would give an immediate solution to the current problem of family.